Rachel Lee White
3 min readOct 3, 2021

“Worthy Is The Lamb Of God”

“The Lord is at Hand, My Darling”

Be Careful for Nothing but IN Everything (Circumstance and Situation) by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving Let your Requests be Made Known unto God…Philippians 4: 4–8 KJV Bible

He is Worthy to be Praised…

Thank You Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is seated on the right hand of the throne of The Creator of the Universe.

Hallelujah Exponentially

My Darling, My Sweetheart, My Sister, My Friend…

Thinking about you early this morning.

Rest In Peace…

I know that you singing and dancing with the Angels early this morning

Because I woke up with a smile on my face and comfort in my heart that we are in this world but we are not of this World. We are just passing through this foreign land.

My heart is rejoicing this morning because I refocused my mind on the truth: God is able to make All Grace Abound Towards Us.

I Love you “Pookie” Joyce Elaine Johnson!

I am going to miss your sweet voice and your help in a time of need, a word from God in season. Thank you Joyce for being my big sister all of my life.

Joyce Elaine Johnson, my Darling, my Sweetheart, my Sister in Christ, my big Sister, my Friend and my Hero.

Congratulations! You fought the good fight of faith. You made it home safe and sound.

May God strengthen and comfort your Children, Grandchildren and Great Children, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, all family and friends.

Give us wisdom and revelation knowledge as we submit ourselves unto God, Resist the enemy so that he will flee. IN Jesus’ Name

I feel your presence with the Lord…I am smiling big right now! The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

I will pursue my assignment, purpose like never before!

Thank you for sharing your spiritual wisdom, prayers, faith, example and love with me. Thank you Joyce. I will catch you later, my Darling, my Sweetheart, my Girlfriend, my Big Sister, and my Sister in Christ.

I will Celebrate your Life every time I Rejoice in the Lord!

Later, Joyce Elaine Johnson

Happiness & Vibrancy with My Darling, Sweetheart


Rachel Lee White
Rachel Lee White

Written by Rachel Lee White

Marketer who is a Published Author, Motivational Speaker, Consultant

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