Strategies To Avoid Misunderstandings
When you deal with others, you’re going to have misunderstandings. Relationships can be strained by miscommunication and misunderstandings.
The best way to deal with misunderstandings is to avoid them in the first place. This is one challenge that’s easier to prevent than to solve.
Not all misunderstandings can be avoided, but you can greatly reduce their occurrence.
Try these options to avoid the relationship issues that can be caused by misunderstandings:
- Think before delivering your message. Many misunderstandings could be avoided by taking a moment to really think about the situation. What is going on?
- What are you trying to accomplish?
- What is the other person thinking and feeling?
- What is their perspective?
- 2. Writing can be better than speaking when it comes to details. It’s easy for the details of a conversation to be forgotten. Write a note or send an email. This is especially true at work. Leave a paper trail whenever possible.
- Ask the other person to repeat back what you said. Once you’ve come to an agreement, have the other person demonstrate that they have the same understanding you do. Have a misunderstanding now when it can be rectified. It’s easier to smooth out any misunderstandings immediately than later.
Listen. Many misunderstandings are your own fault. One way to minimize your contribution to the problem is to put your listening ears on and concentrate on what’s being communicated to you. Most people are very distracted. Work on your ability to focus on another person.
This is a very valuable skill, and you can practice each day. Practice your listening skills during every conversation you have. After the conversation is complete, evaluate how you did.
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