Late Night or Early Morning

Time and Space and You

Rachel Lee White
1 min readAug 8, 2020
Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash


What can I say… I slept most of the day, now I am awake and it is early morning yet still sleeping hour? Says who? I am free to start my day at anytime I please as long as there are not any legitimate plans on my calendar! Wow, I get to relax and revive on a Friday. Have you ever felt so wonderful that you are free?

I wonder just how many people in USA realize despite our issues; there is still very much to be grateful for. But, that is another whole topic. Back to the discussion of time; time was placed in the earth for nature or the physical natural human being. But, on a spiritual level there is not any measurement of time because it is always in the now.

Always cherish the moment, no matter what time the clock dictates because time is a measurement but you are invaluable.



Rachel Lee White

Marketer who is a Published Author, Motivational Speaker, Consultant