I Really Do Mean It
Happiness & Vibrancy
I say that I am happy & Vibrant, I sincerely mean it. The Creator of the Universe has taken good care of me, inspite of the trials and tribulations that I have faced. I am confident that He will never leave me nor forsake me. And, ladies and gentlemen, this alone overshadows my happiness & Vibrancy everyday. My imagination and confidence cemented with my faith and trust in Him, keeps my vibrational frequencies calibrated and tethered to Him. Thank God that I am a Prayer Warrior!
I know deeply within my innermost being that the Creator of the Universe is within me and I know that He needs my body for His strategic plans. I am happy and vibrant because He chose me.
I am vibrant because He live in me, I am happy because I choose to be happy.
So, do not tell me that it’s not true.
When your perspective is in alignment with the Creator of the Universe ‘s view, happiness & vibrancy is always available…
Only Believe & Receive
Yield & Let Go
Happiness & Vibrancy with Rachel