Happiness and Vibrancy With Rachel
Emotional Intelligence?
A couple of definitions:
● “The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically”
● Being able to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions, as well as to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others
Emotional intelligence is not only good for your relationship, but also for you and everyone around you!
Emotional Intelligence is absolutely the key to a happy relationship.
Those with poor emotional intelligence rarely make good life partners or friends.
Emotional intelligence is not the only thing that matters if you want to be part of a successful relationship, but it carries a lot of weight. Those with low emotional intelligence consistently disappoint their partners emotionally. When you have low emotional intelligence, you are a threat to the self-esteem of everyone around you.
“When you make people angry, they act in accordance with their lower instincts, often violently and irrationally. When you inspire people, they act in accordance with their higher instincts, sensibly and rationally.” Persons with low emotional intelligence have several tell-tale signs: They are unable to accurately read the emotions of others. People with low emotional intelligence lack the skill necessary to predict the emotional responses of other people.
● They also fail to pick up on social cues that telegraph emotions to those with emotional intelligence.
They are not in control of their feelings. Some people are good at managing their emotions and dealing with them appropriately. Those low in emotional intelligence are not one of those people.
● Emotions tend to be exaggerated, because they lack the skill to soothe themselves.
● Negative emotions also lead to poor decision-making in those with low emotional intelligence.
● Those that are easily stressed are often suffering from low emotional intelligence.
They behave and speak inappropriately. If you are emotionally intelligent, you understand that some things are appropriate, and others are not. Inappropriate behavior and speech are common occurrences in those with low emotional intelligence.
There is a lack of the ability, or interest, in sympathizing or empathizing with others. If you are low in emotional intelligence, it is difficult and/or impossible to help others emotionally with their challenges. People require support, empathy, and sympathy from time to time.
They often lack assertiveness. Do you know what you want? Are you open about your wants and needs? Can you ask for what you want? Those low in emotional intelligence will answer “no” to those questions.
There is a self-control deficit. This is related to poor emotional control and inappropriate behavior. Impulsive behavior is a common sign of low emotional intelligence.
Fortunately, emotional intelligence is highly attainable. Unlike your intelligence quotient your
emotional intelligence can be raised through education and effort. You can literally train yourself to be more emotionally intelligent. Some people are born emotionally intelligent, but others must learn this important set of skills.
This means you can greatly improve your ability to be part of a successful relationship. By the end of this eBook, you will know how to enhance your emotional intelligence and spot it in others.
Emotional intelligence is based on just a few attributes or skills:
● Self-Awareness
● Self-Regulation
● Empathy
● Social Skills
By mastering just these four items, you can be much more emotionally
intelligent, and your relationship will have more happiness and peace.