Growing Too Big For Your Current Environment?

Rachel Lee White
4 min readSep 17, 2020


It’s Time to Get Some New Friends!


Photo by Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash

Your current friends are talking all about what they don’t have and what is not working. You aren’t ready to fulfil your calling if you aren’t ready to separate in order to make progress. There are some things you can’t see while you are hanging around the wrong crowd.
Abraham was caught up in conflict with Lot, and eventually the two separated. Immediately afterward, God told him to lift up his eyes; stop focusing on what he had been going through and receive a new vision. He was ready to see something he hadn’t seen before to go further than he’s ever been before. Like Abraham your answer is not in the valley, so stop talking about what is challenging you. It’s time to lift up your eyes.
What are you viewing right now?
God spoke an amazing thing to Abraham in this verse. He told him that as far as his eyes could see, that was how much land had been given to him and his descendants forever.
What an earth mind blowing statement!
That meant that it wasn’t a predetermined amount of land; nor did it’s boundaries depend on what battles he would have to face to possess it; but the only thing that could limit the inheritance that Abraham was able to receive, was his ability to see it before he dwelt in it.
Your life will go as far as you can see that it could. Whatever is impossible to you in your mind, that is where the boundary for your life is drawn.
People don’t want to let themselves dream, because they are afraid of disappointment; but that is the world’s way of thinking. When the men of the time were planning to build the Tower of Babel, God himself said that there was nothing that could restrain men from building something when they had a clear and focused blueprint.
Your life has to be built in the realm of visions and dreams before anything can be built in the natural plane. This is just like a house — it is built first of all on paper by an architect, before you see anything materializing at the building site. Once you can see what you believe on the inside, it is only a matter of time before you will see it on the outside. In fact, your life right now is the result of what you saw yesterday.
Wherever you are today, what is it that you desire? What can you imagine for your future? Maybe you can’t imagine yourself living in a mansion. Well don’t worry about it, because if you can’t imagine it, you never will. But if you will dare to set your sights on something beyond the statistical norms for your demographic and level of schooling, you can break out of what people around you would expect for you.
Maybe, like Abraham, you have been hampered by the presence of someone in your life who keeps you thinking small — on the inside you have the desire to be great, but you have never allowed the image to form in your heart. Maybe you are a bold entrepreneur trapped in a little, dead end company, and you need to lift up your eyes and see great possibilities. What you see now is only a stopping point along the way to your wealthy place.
The worst thing you can do in life, is fail to believe God for anything — to fail to dream or to desire anything from Him. To fail to imagine that anything can ever be better than the set of circumstances you see before you now.
What images are playing in your mind? What do you see for your future? Your family? Your career? Your influence? Your health? Your house(s)? If you don’t see yourself as enough, you will always be less than. If you don’t believe you are deserving, you will be shocked when anything good happens to you.
I refuse to take instruction from my circumstances, and instead I let myself dream HUGE dreams about the many good days that God promises in His Word to the believer. Every day I declare that the whole world has been set up to promote the accomplishment of my purpose. Everything is aligning itself right now to make sure that we fulfil our destiny.
How about you?

It is not just about getting; it is more about who you are becoming so that you can choose whatsoever your heart desires while yielding and serving the Creator of the Universe according to his will for your life.

Happiness & Vibrancy with Rachel



Rachel Lee White
Rachel Lee White

Written by Rachel Lee White

Marketer who is a Published Author, Motivational Speaker, Consultant

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