Flowing In Gratitude And Amazement, An Awesome Message, Sermon Kick Starting Faith And Confidence To Another Level!
Overflowing with the Wisdom and Knowledge of God, His power, and His Spirit.
I know that I am a born-again spiritual being, who possesses a soul (mind, feeler, thinker, and chooser) and abides in a physical body. Expounding on the soul and the brain I am reminded of a book, Who Switched Off My Brain? By Dr. Caroline Leaf. I was very impressed with the information and understanding that I embarked upon during a time when I was hurt and had experienced negativity by people of faith in the church.
There are twelve areas of toxic thoughts referred to as the “Dirty Dozen”- which can be harmful as poison in our minds and our bodies. Toxic thoughts do not just creep into our minds as a result of abuse or a horrific trauma. Toxic thoughts affect people in all stages of life, in every part of the world, every day. Even something as a minor irritation can become toxic, and these thoughts need to be swept away.
let me introduce you to The Dirty Dozen. I will be expounding on only one: Toxic Faith.
1. Toxic Thoughts
2. Toxic Emotions
3. Toxic Words
4. Toxic Choices
5. Toxic Dreams
6. Toxic Seeds
7. Toxic Faith
8. Toxic Love
9. Toxic Touch
10. Toxic Seriousness
11. Toxic Health
12. Toxic Schedules
Toxic Faith
A growing body of scientific research confirms that prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health.
Have you had a negative experience in the church?
Have people of faith hurt you?
When you sweep away those experiences, you will be able to see God and His unfailing love for you, past any negative memories that may be polluting your spiritual life.
Here are some examples of Brain Sweep questions that will help you move past any seeds of Toxic Faith:
· toxic memories or thoughts that come to your mind?
· Are you reading your bible daily?
· Are you praying all the time? As you think about your walk of faith, notice what your five senses are telling you. Are there any
A growing body of scientific research confirms that prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health.
Have you had a negative experience in the church?
Have people of faith hurt you?
When you sweep away those experiences, you will be able to see God and His unfailing love for you, past any negative memories that may be polluting your spiritual life.
Here are some examples of Brain Sweep questions that will help you move past any seeds of Toxic Faith:
- toxic memories or thoughts that come to your mind?
- Are you reading your bible daily?
- Are you praying all the time? As you think about your walk of faith, notice what your five senses are telling you. Are there any
- Are you spending time with God building a relationship?
- Are you going to church?
- Are you a part of a church community?
- Are you feeding your spirit?
- As you read a passage of Scripture that might particularly speak to your heart, stop after one or two verses, and ask yourself what you have read.
- Answer yourself. Discuss it with yourself.
- Write down what you are learning in a journal to consolidate your memory.
- Write any memory verse that comes to your mind in your journal.
- Be organized and have purpose to your Bible study.
- As you journal, do you notice any patterns? Do you notice words or images repeatedly coming to mind?
- Go through your journal so you can reinforce what you are learning.
- Do you have anything to add?
- How can you apply the information to your life?
- Personalize what you have learned; take ownership of the information.
- How can you reach beyond the seeds of Toxic Faith?
- Practice using principles learned; for example, if you need healing, speak life and healing scriptures over yourself.
- Make the Word of God come alive in your life.
- Find what you are passionate about and apply the Word to it, because through your passion and gifting you an become closer to God.
Happiness and Vibrancy with Rachel