Do You Think Too Lowly Of Yourself?
Is Your Self-Image Accurate?
If you really want the truth about how someone really sees himself; observe his behavior and the decisions he makes. Ladies and gentlemen, you have to see and believe within yourself prior to displaying the genuine, authentic change, growth and development outwardly consistently.
What you give attention to, focus on is what will paint your imagination and ultimately give impetus and momentum to action and behavior that is consistent with your self-image.
It can take a lot of work inwardly to change your self-image, and perhaps just a few adjustments. But, the first step is taking inventory of your decisions and behaviors in diverse situations. Second, self-awareness and a true, straightforward and honest person who is acquainted with you who will reflect the truth. This will allow you to accept the blind spots hidden behind pride and ego.
Life is about learning, growing and exploring ourselves and our environment.
Enjoy the journey and do the cultivation and development to keep the image up to par.
Happiness & Vibrancy with Rachel