Ask, Seek, and Knock or Seek, Knock, and Ask?
I have been seeking for quite some time, not really knowing what I was looking for. And, after asking God: what you want for me to do? Opportunities started popping like jiffy popcorn from everywhere. And, I knew deep within, my desire was with these opportunities, but I said to myself: I must wait to hear from God. However, I still followed up on some of the opportunities out of pure curiosity. I did not hear from God so I thought until I had an epiphany- Ah-Ha as I was contemplating this brief message.
Because I asked, seek now it is time to knock on the door ( opportunity).
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!
O Boy, my God loves me!
I will take the opportunity because it is part of my purpose. That's why I have the heartfelt, burning desire for the opportunity to open the doors that no man can shut. Thank You El Elyon, The Most High God, Creator of the Universe.