Rachel Lee White
3 min readMay 23, 2020



Are you tired of broken relationships, not getting along with people who you care about? Too many unresolved issues, such as anger, resentment, unforgiveness, lack of trust and communication without connection? Toxic relationships consist of toxic mindsets of individuals, but there is hope. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to spend 4–8 weeks with us mastering some vital keys to communicating and connecting with loved ones in a practical and effective way. You will increase your awareness of the effects of toxic emotions versus healthy emotions, thereby understanding that you may not choose your feeling at the moment but you can choose a healthy action: shut up until calmed down, take a walk,etc. You will realize that the people who you love are more valuable to you than your negative emotions. You will learn how science is confirming the word of God. You will have enough information and revelation to have healthier, happier and vibrant relationships with others and yourselves.

Scientists have studied and revealed that thoughts are basically electrical impulses, chemicals and neurons that look like a tree with branches. As the thoughts grow and become permanent, more branches grow and connections become stronger. As you think, your thoughts are activated, which in turn activates your attitude, because your attitude is all of your thoughts put together and reflects your state of mind. Positive attitudes cause the secretion of the correct amount of chemicals, and negative attitudes distort the chemical secretions in a way that disrupts their natural flow. The chemicals are like little cellular signals that translate the information of your thought into a physical reality in your body and mind, creating an emotion. The combination of thoughts, emotions and resulting attitudes, impacts your body in a positive or negative way. This means that your mind and body are inherently linked, and this link starts with your thoughts.

Rachel Lee White is a Motivational Speaker, Teacher and Prayer Warrior. She experienced the loss of her parents at the age of ten years. Rachel says “ I still remember looking in my Daddy’s eyes that night.” Rachel wants to make an impact in the lives of hurting people. Her journey in this life has been beautiful despite all the trials and tribulations because with God all things are possible, even peace of mind and happiness.

“ I remember clearly my Daddy asking What should I do? I should just kill myself? I remember, staring into his eyes and thinking you are not going to do anything. He looked amazed as if maybe I had another idea. Daddy said, “ What is it Jackie?” What is it?” But, I remained passive.” The next day, Rachel’s Dad and Mom were deceived, seduced and destroyed by a suicide-murder demon. What is the root to suicide? Mental illness is definitely in the foreshadows. It was January 30, 1968, science and medicine was not as advanced as it is today. People did not really believe suicide was possible by certain people. What happened with her parents; it is a sad story to remember. But, Rachel has learned over the years of her life to use her mind skillfully to focus on whatsoever is lovely, of good report, honest and


pure. Rachel’s journey of life has led her to yield to the Creator of the Universe. And, she is continuously exploring, learning, growing and expanding so that her story can help someone. She wants to reach out and encourage, inspire and educate whosoever. People need people to connect with effectively and practically so it can lead to professional or legal help.

Let me ask you this question again: ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS ?




Rachel Lee White
Rachel Lee White

Written by Rachel Lee White

Marketer who is a Published Author, Motivational Speaker, Consultant

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