Help Us To Yield To You Jehovah Gmolah

Rachel Lee White
2 min readSep 5, 2021

I was sitting at my desk working on a digital project and casually surfing the internet when I was captivated by a post referring to a biblical scripture.

Gosh! It threw a curve at me! It struct me like a bow and arrow piercing my heart.

Stay with me, hold on…

I had an epiphany that I must go forward in the right direction, the divine prophetic direction because it’s not about me.

You see, I was naturally wanting to explore, learn, and grow. I wanted to help and serve others by starting a business that perhaps my girls could carry out. But, I had a very special moment, a very, warm feeling embraced my total being; spirit, soul and body. I was illuminated, inspired, and ignited spontaneously!

The next thing that I knew was… I must pursue the vision that God gave me 21 years ago. I felt the deep, rooted wounds woven into the souls of my siblings. You see, I knew in my mind and heart that I had grieved the loss of my parents, etc. I refused to cling to the past and made it a must “ to forgive and let go, ASAP by faith with grace.”

I felt a roaring wave pushing upon and within me like a ocean prompting me to finish the assignment by yielding to His will so that my siblings and I can be set free from the deep-rooted, seeded memories; wounds, hurt, pain, feelings of shame/guilt, neglect/abuse/ abandonment/rejection/and injured self-esteem.

Until now, I could not quite see the full picture, just a glimpse. I can SEE clearly… because I can FEEL the tender-heartfelt, compassion and love for my Brothers and Sisters.

I can certainly resonate with the intricate, deep-rooted pain. And, I can do nothing about it except: Come to Him, All who Labor and are Heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And, yield. What do You want Rachel to do, Lord?

God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV

Happiness & Vibrancy with Rachel



Rachel Lee White

Marketer who is a Published Author, Motivational Speaker, Consultant